Monday, February 2, 2009


Three women getting together, in unity, enjoying each other's fellowship and getting to pray to God together, now that is truly rewarding and fun!

It's amazing to tangibly see the Hand of God at work, before we even send forth our requests. God knows our needs, before we do. He not only knows, He provides. He may not provide in the time frame we think He should or the way we think He will, but He does provide. His timing is ALWAYS perfect and more than we could ever imagine, hope for or think.

The Lord is awesome all the time! Today, as I had a headache, all I wanted to do was lie down and do nothing. I didn't feel like praying nor did I want to pray. However, the Holy Spirit challenged me...praise ME right now, on purpose. Magnify My Name as what you are going through is "de"-magnified. Wow! The praising Him was a "miracle" in and of itself...that headache went away within 10 minutes and that heavy feeling was lifted off of me.

I thank the Lord that in that moment of weariness, His "anecdote" was to praise Him, and the result was powerful. Whether, the headache went away or not, my mind and heart were now focused on Him and not, guess who? Me.

I know it sounds so elementary, but yet it is so profound.

"We can either fear the storm, or choose to dance in the'll be amazed by the ONE who leads."

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