Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Revealing Power of the Beautiful Hands of the Burden Lifter!

Since my last post on the 'WMCIP' blog, it has been over four months. I am in awe of the time that has slipped through us. The time that has gone by is a reminder of the passion on the inside of most mom's to hold on to that small child that we met on the day of their birth, or the day we first laid eyes on the one whom God chose for you to love from another womb.

As the school year draws to a close; it would be great if your a follower of our blog, or stopping by for a visit to post a comment of a request(s) you committed to the Lord, that was once a burden. It would be great to see the unfolding and revealing power of the beautiful Hands of the Burden Lifter...Almighty God!

I love the 'praise reports' that we must declare. It is truly a reminder of knowing that even in the midst of the declaration of our God, all we may see with our natural eye is weighty which attempts to draw us away from utilizing the faith on the inside and seeing with the eyes of faith how much Greater our God is than anything that would attempt to come against us. It is easier to write than to do; but in the time when we continually praise our God no matter our situation, we build up ourselves on the inside with a stirring that rushes like an overflowing river that no one can place a boundary around! Hallelujah!

I love my sisters that the Lord has gifted me in the 'Warrior Mom's of Christ in Prayer' circle! I thank each of you for your love, support and time as we purposely get together knowing who we are because of Who He is!

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